The estimated total is $8,795 and includes the solid concrete blocks and other necessary materials. The borough crew will do the construction over the summer.
Civic Impact Reporting Project
Jonestown Borough continues discussions on downtown project funding
The two projects to add curb bump-outs and extensions and extend the curb an extra five feet are up in the air as the borough council searches for additional funding. Council members will decide if they would like to do one part of the project, both parts, or neither.
North Cornwall approves phases 2A and 2B of North Cornwall Commons housing
The North Cornwall Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to approve Phase 2A and 2B of the North Cornwall Commons land development plan at its meeting Tuesday.
Lebanon County Commissioners approve Passport Acceptance Day in March
Lebanon County Commissioners set Passport Acceptance Day event among other actions taken at their March 6 meeting.
Jackson Township supervisors voice concerns about warehouse development
Supervisors and township staff raised concerns about warehouse development in a rural area, increased truck traffic, road congestion, and safety concerns that could be caused by warehouses on the three proposed lots.
West Lebanon Township advertises update to disorderly conduct ordinance
The West Lebanon Township Board of Commissioners agreed to advertise updates to its disorderly conduct ordinance at its monthly meeting Monday.
East Hanover Township plans meeting to discuss future land use
During its monthly meeting Feb. 24, the East Hanover Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to hold a joint meeting with the Planning Commission to discuss traffic impact fees and future land use.
Heidelberg Twp. supervisors double up paving plan despite budget constraints
The Heidelberg Township Board of Supervisors plans to dip into township reserves to pave two roads this year, as discussed at their meeting Feb. 25.
Palmyra Borough Council hears update on Route 422 culvert issue
The borough had to respond quickly to put steel plates at the drainage culvert underneath the intersection of West Main Street and South Mark Street as the caps were unsteady and rocking as cars drove over.
Mayor tells City Council vacancies filled, early year revenue lag expected
Mayor tells Lebanon City Council she’s filled two board vacancies and expects revenue to pick up when tax bills go out next month.
Jackson Township moves forward on paving walking paths in public parks
The township is putting together a phasing plan for Wheatland Woods to do the walking path, entrance, and parking area. Supervisors also approved a paving project at Jackson Meadows that will introduce about 150 square yards of path.
North Cornwall Township Board of Supervisors select sewage rates
The North Cornwall Township Board of Supervisors selected a sewage rate from a study at its meeting Tuesday.
North Lebanon Township approves Lion’s Lake change order
The North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to a $26,439.40 change order for the Lion’s Lake rehabilitation project at its meeting Monday.
Swatara Township moves to prepare bids for paving, oil and chip projects
Kenbrook Road will be oiled and chipped and the southern end of Old Route 22, Chestnut Street, and part of South Lancaster Street will be paved.
Union Twp. discusses culvert projects, street sweeping, new alarm system
Both the street sweeping and culvert projects will take place when the weather turns.