Amid routine approvals, the South Annville Township Board of Supervisors delayed the Wynfield 4-lot subdivision plans, citing the need for further discussion on the widening of Reigerts Lane.
Civic Impact Reporting Project
Cornwall Borough Council approves PRL waivers
The Cornwall Borough Council unanimously agreed to approve three waivers for the PRL Industries building planned for the Byler Holdings GI plot at the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
N. Annville Twp. supervisors reorganize following resignation
North Annville Township names Clyde Meyer as new chairman during a regular meeting where a proposed roundabout plan, intensified truck traffic, and an illegal dumping case were on the agenda.
W. Cornwall supervisors to announce Quentin Associates decision on July 1
The West Cornwall Township Board of Supervisors will announce its decision on Quentin Associates, LLC’s mixed-use development proposal at a public meeting on July 1.
EPA conducts surprise inspection of City of Lebanon Authority water system
An inspection team from the Environmental Protection Agency made a surprise three-day inspection of the City of Lebanon Authority’s water system in early June, Authority board members learned Monday.
County Commissioners approve bids for park project on Lebanon Valley Rail Trail
The county commissioners unanimously passed a motion to accept three sets of bids totaling over $900,000 for construction of a park along the Lebanon Valley Rail Trail in Lebanon.
North Cornwall Township takes steps toward regional police formation
The North Cornwall Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to advertise a charter agreement that, if adopted, would begin the merging of the North Cornwall and North Lebanon police departments.
Annville Twp. commissioners approve Unique Designs Custom Digitizing plans
Unique Designs Custom Digitizing receives approval from Annville Township commissioners to expand its property and add parking, following endorsement from the zoning hearing board.
Cornwall P&Z recommends waivers for PRL subdivision
The Cornwall Borough Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously agreed to recommend the council approve three waivers for PRL’s subdivision plan.
Lebanon County Commissioners approve 1-lane bridge project at special session
The Lebanon County Commissioners agreed to replace a bridge in Heidelberg Township at a special meeting on Thursday, May 30.
Heidelberg township supervisor recognized for 46 years of service
Heidelberg township supervisor Paul Fetter was presented a plaque honoring his induction into the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors Hall of Fame at Heidelberg’s meeting Tuesday. The board also advertised a nuisance ordinance.
W. Cornwall Twp. concludes conditional-use hearing on riding club development
Planned improvements to address traffic impacts from the proposed development of the former Quentin Riding Club dominated Monday’s conditional use hearing that had been continued from May 7.
North Lebanon Township to take steps toward regional police formation
The North Lebanon Board of Supervisors agreed to direct special counsel Josele Cleary to prepare an ordinance forming a Lebanon County Regional Police Department, merging the North Lebanon and North Cornwall police, at its meeting Monday.
South Londonderry supervisors recognize National Police Week
At its May meeting, the South Londonderry Township Board of Supervisors announced a proclamation for the dedication of National Police Week and heard updates about the police intern program and 2023 audit.
West Cornwall Twp.’s purchase of West Main Street property nears settlement
West Cornwall Township’s purchase of a historic property on Main Street in Quentin is on schedule for settlement on Thursday, May 23.