The Millcreek Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to schedule a public hearing March 12 for an ordinance adopting the International Property Maintenance Code at its Feb. 12 meeting.
Civic Impact Reporting Project
Myerstown Borough Council grants T-shirt factory 90-day extension
Following an executive session, the Myerstown Borough Council granted the owners of the Factory on Main a 90 day extension to address the borough’s top ten concerns at its Feb. 11 meeting.
Cornwall Borough council hears debate over Spring Hill Acres access
The Cornwall Borough Council heard debate over the ownership of the parcel of the land containing Spring Hill Acres emergency access at its Feb. 10 meeting.
South Londonderry supervisors oppose Campbelltown Village Square project
The board discussed the proposal following the Jan. 22 workshop meeting presentation.
South Annville Twp. approves Southgate plans, debates festival traffic routes
At their February meeting, South Annville supervisors approved multiple development projects, including Southgate’s phase 1 plans, and heard proposals from Friends of Old Annville regarding festival traffic concerns.
Town home development in Quentin wins conditional approval from W. Cornwall
In a 2-1 vote Monday, supervisors gave conditional final approval to a new development of 16 town homes off South Zinns Mill Road in Quentin.
Palmyra Borough Council approves 2 dump truck replacement purchases
The two 10-ton dump and plow trucks will cost over $500,000, but Borough Manager Roger Powl said replacing them ahead of schedule will save the borough at least $40,000 and avoid increasing costs in the future.
North Cornwall Township moves forward with 2025 road paving project
The North Cornwall Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to advertise the 2025 paving project at its meeting Feb. 4.
West Lebanon Township appoints emergency management coordinator
The West Lebanon Township Board of Commissioners unanimously agreed to appoint Brianna Laliberte with Lebanon County Emergency Management Services as the township’s emergency management coordinator (EMS) at its Feb. 3 meeting.
Jonestown searches for more funds as curbing project becomes costlier
The estimated project costs have increased from around $1.2 million to about $1.9 million. Though most of that is covered by grants, higher costs mean the borough would have to pay more out of its own budget if it decides to move forward.
Jackson Township takes steps to repair East Main Avenue Bridge
The bridge is still safe to use, but a 2023 report suggested fixing the scour and adding rock protection to help avoid future bank erosion.
Supervisors, engineers, developer work together to address stormwater runoff
West Cornwall Township supervisors held a workshop meeting to address stormwater runoff issues raised by local property owners.
East Hanover Township supervisors approve zoning changes
Following a public hearing, the East Hanover Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to approve a zoning ordinance and map amendment at its meeting Monday.
Palmyra Borough Council okays road closure for May food truck festival
The 10th annual TruckTrek will be on Saturday, May 10. West Cherry Street from South Railroad Street to South Mark Street will be closed on that day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Heidelberg Township seeks feedback on burning ordinance
Having received complaints from residents on irresponsible burning, the Heidelberg Township Board of Supervisors is seeking feedback from residents so it can pursue revisions to the township’s burning ordinance.