The Cornwall Borough Council advertised its drafted 2023 budget at Monday’s meeting.
Civic Impact Reporting Project
Commissioners stick to lesser of 2 percent or CPI for row office salaries
The Lebanon County Commissioners set salaries Monday at a special meeting for a number of row officers elected in 2023 and who will begin their four-year terms in 2024.
South Londonderry Township supervisors advertise a proposed 2023 budget
The South Londonderry Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to advertise the proposed 2023 budget at its meeting Wednesday, Nov. 9.
Lebanon City and IRS resolve police Medicare withholding issue
Lebanon City Council learned at Monday night’s monthly meeting that the city and the Internal Revenue Service have come to an agreement that resolves the city’s failure since 1985 to withhold Medicare tax from police officers’ paychecks.
Swatara State Park to expand thanks to gift of land by conservation nonprofit
The size of Swatara State Park is about to grow by more than 130 acres thanks to the transfer of two parcels of land to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
North Lebanon Township supervisors address Walmart truck traffic concerns
The North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors met Monday to hear public concerns and conduct routine business.
PennDOT considering roundabout on Cornwall and Burd Coleman road intersection (Updated)
At Monday’s Cornwall Borough Council meeting, the council updated attendees that PennDOT is planning to construct a roundabout on the intersection of Cornwall Road, Freeman Drive, and Burd Coleman Road.
$180K sorting machine will speed up mail-in and absentee ballot counting
The processing of mail-in and absentee ballots during elections is about to get easier in Lebanon County.
2021 ended with a budget surplus, Lebanon mayor tells City Council
Lebanon mayor Sherry Capello told City Council Monday night that a year-end audit revealed a $165,868 budget surplus for 2021.
Elias Avenue, Emma Road residents voice their Walmart traffic concerns
At the Sept. 19 North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors meeting, many residents of Elias Ave. and Emma Rd. came forward with traffic concerns.
DA to apply for $250K gun violence prevention grant on behalf of county
The Lebanon County District Attorney’s office will apply for its share of a $50 million state grant designed to stem the tide of gun violence across the commonwealth.
South Londonderry supervisors approve zoning change to multifamily residential
After a public hearing Tuesday, the South Londonderry Township Board of Supervisors approved Ordinance 222-2022 modifying requirements for the multifamily residential zone and rezoned the Northside Crossing parcel.
North Cornwall Twp. zoning board grants waivers, exception for new Sheetz on 422
Wednesday, the North Cornwall Township Zoning Hearing Board unanimously agreed to three waivers and a special exception for the planned Sheetz location at 2150 W. Cumberland St.
Cornwall Borough Council increases recreation fee for land developers
At Monday’s meeting, the Cornwall Borough Council unanimously agreed to Resolution 2022-10, increasing the borough’s recreation fee from $1,250 to $2,500.
County to receive nearly half-million dollar state grant to fund elections
Lebanon County officials have agreed to accept over $466,000 in funding as part of a $45 million election grant program that was approved with the state budget in July.