Palmyra Borough Council approves reduction in financial security for East Ridge Road Melrose Development project and PennDOT winter maintenance agreement for 2025-2030.
Civic Impact Reporting Project
Myerstown council hears rental concerns, advances plans for 2025 carnival
The Myerstown Borough Council heard resident concerns about a property being rented short-term at its monthly meeting Tuesday.
South Londonderry Township supervisors approve three new ordinances
The approved ordinances include the open burn ordinance, solid waste reduction and recyclable materials ordinance, and disposal of solid waste ordinance.
Cornwall Borough Council moves forward with plans to enforce Alden Place traffic
Cornwall Borough Council unanimously agreed to continue working towards an agreement for the Cornwall Borough Police Department to enforce traffic violations along Alden Way at its monthly meeting Monday.
N. Annville Twp. fire company merger advances despite stalled bylaws pact
North Annville Township will launch a new fire company come Jan. 1, 2025, whether a stalled merger agreement is executed or not.
N. Annville Twp. supervisors pass two ordinances for Clear Spring Road
North Annville Township supervisors approve two highway ordinances that will impact traffic on Clear Spring Road.
West Cornwall Township Municipal Authority plans water service interruption
West Cornwall Township Municipal Authority will disrupt water service for about 20 customers on August 19 for several hours due to a valve replacement on a water main.
Annville Twp. commissioners approve Weaber St. storage unit project
At its regular August meeting, the Annville Township Board of Commissioners approved the plans for the proposed storage unit project and made other routine approvals.
Bethel Twp. supervisors approve Camp Strause Road bridge replacement project
Bethel Township supervisors approved numerous highway construction projects during their monthly meeting last Thursday.
N. Lebanon, N. Cornwall move toward Lebanon County Regional Police Dept.
The newly merged Lebanon County Regional Police Department is expected to be up and running early January 2025, North Lebanon and North Cornwall officials said.
West Lebanon Township to consider parking ban on North 25th Street
The West Lebanon Township Board of Commissioners requested the solicitor to draft an amendment adding part of North 25th Street to a list of township roadways prohibiting street parking.
North Cornwall Township accepts Dairy Road Pump Station Replacement bids
The North Cornwall Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to accept three bids for the upcoming replacement of the Dairy Road Pump Station. The project costs, including already purchased equipment, will total around $4.9 million.
Lebanon County Commissioners tighten hotel tax grant guidelines
Lebanon County Commissioners made a key change to their hotel tax grant program to ensure the fund remains solvent.
Lebanon County Commissioners will discuss changing hotel tax allocation
Lebanon County Commissioners are poised to consider changes to the hotel tax grant program.
Heidelberg Twp. Board of Supervisors hear truck traffic concerns
The Heidelberg Board of Supervisors heard concerns from Heidelberg Ave. resident Phil Hayden about dangerous truck traffic down South Church Street Tuesday.