Visit Lebanon Valley and the Lebanon Valley Council on the Arts will host this month’s First Friday Art Walk from 5 to 8 p.m. on Oct. 4.

This Art Walk will feature an interactive community art project that invites everyone in attendance to “put their hands on Lebanon” by adding their handprints to a large-scale scene of the city. The evening will also include several other exhibits and activities at various locations in downtown Lebanon:

Participating venues include St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Lebanon Picture Frame & Art Gallery, Gretna Theatre, and Visit Lebanon Valley’s own gallery.

LVCA’s Gallery 770, at 770 Cumberland St., will host the interactive community art project as well as an exhibit of Visit Lebanon Valley’s photo contest through the years. Live music will be provided by Luther Tyree, and light refreshments will be served. Visit Lebanon Valley will also have a table at the gallery with giveaway totes, stickers, postcards, and more.

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, at 22 S. 6th St., will give tours from 5 to 8 p.m. and host a presentation on the history and architecture of the building by Bob Hoffman, principal emeritus at Beers Hoffman Architecture, at 6:30 p.m. According to a separate release from the church, 2024 marks the 145th anniversary of the laying of the building’s cornerstone. “St. Luke’s was a gift of the Coleman Family to the Lebanon community,” said Wiley Parker, chairman of St. Luke’s Capital Campaign Committee. “Keeping with that spirit, the work done reflects the generosity and commitment of St. Luke’s parishioners in making our church and facilities more accessible to the community for all sorts of events, while preserving the priceless art and architecture of the building.”

Exterior of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. (Photo by Brian Kutner)

Lebanon Picture Frame & Art Gallery, at 847 Cumberland St., will host the opening reception for their latest exhibit, “Parenthood,” which features a collection of blown glass and mixed media art by Cynthia Hardwicke and Justin Pettingell.

Gretna Theatre will perform previews of their fall immersive experience, “The Headless Horseman’s Revenge,” throughout the evening at the corner of Cumberland and 8th streets. Visit Lebanon Valley will also hold a drawing for tickets to the show’s opening night in Mount Gretna on Oct. 10.

The partnership between Visit Lebanon Valley and the Lebanon Valley Council on the Arts for the Art Walk is a continuation of the ongoing Year of the Arts celebration throughout the Lebanon Valley this year.

Read More: Mount Gretna and Lebanon County celebrate ‘Year of the Arts’ in 2024

“This year, we’ve celebrated and honored the arts by way of the Outdoor Art Show in Mt. Gretna, the Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery in Annville, and the St. James Players in the Lebanon Valley Mall, among others,” Visit Lebanon Valley president Jennifer Kuzo said in a release. “Next month at the October First Friday Art Walk, we hope to show people that the arts are here in downtown Lebanon too!”

Multiple businesses in downtown Lebanon will be open during the Art Walk, as well as some businesses in Annville and Mount Gretna. See the LVCA’s Facebook page for more information.

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