With a guilty plea for all counts except those involving conspiracy, Scott Kirchner II ended the Commonwealth’s case against him and now awaits sentencing scheduled for October 17.

LebTown Staff
🔗 America Isn’t Ready for the Lanternfly Invasion
Philadelphia-based writer Andrew Zaleski looks at the lanternfly invasion of North America, a war in which Pennsylvania is the first battlefront.
🔗 Atlantic Sunrise pipeline will begin transporting natural gas on Saturday
The Atlantic Sunrise natural gas pipeline that crosses Lebanon County north-to-south will begin operations on Saturday, according to its owner.
With Soldiers Field purchase, Pennsylvania Chautauqua secures a legacy for historic military training site
Last week the Pennsylvania Chautauqua announced the successful acquisition of Soldiers Field, which was first used for military training in the 1880’s.
🔗 Lebanon VA Medical Center improves to 5-star rating
The Lebanon VA Medical Center improved from a 3-star rating to a 5-star rating over the past year, one of only a handful of VA Medical Centers nationwide to make such an improvement in star ratings.
Mavis Discount Tire will be anchor tenant of lot previously occupied by Cheyney Seafood
Mavis Discount Tire, a national tire chain, will be the anchor tenant of the lot at 1700 Quentin Road (Route 72) previously occupied by Cheyney Seafood, which was torn down in September.
Brandt’s Mill annual Pet Days event scheduled for October 13
Longtime Lebanon pet food & supply company Brandt’s Mill will be hosting its annual customer appreciation event, Pet Days, on October 13th from 8am to 2pm celebrating 77 years in business.
🔗 10 Insanely Beautiful Destinations for Fall Foliage in Pennsylvania
Governor Dick makes the list. On a clear day you’ll be able to see foliage in five counties from the viewing spot: Lebanon, Lancaster, Dauphin, Berks, and York.
New haunt for Witches of Bethel with first Witches in Myerstown gathering on October 13
Witches in Myerstown will be held October 13 at the Tulpehocken Manor (648 W Lincoln Ave).
Fort Indiantown Gap prepares for spotted lanternfly egg laying season, Lebanon County still clean
Fort Indiantown Gap is once again a frontier of sorts with the forested area serving as a major barrier preventing the further spread of the invasive insect, the spotted lanternfly.
🔗 Brewing in Pennsylvania’s Other Iron City
When brewery historian Rich Wagner began writing about beer in Pennsylvania in 1980, there were only 9 breweries in the state. Sue Bowman for Lancaster Farming on his talk at the historical society earlier this month.
🔗 Gaining STEAM: Arts make comeback in Lebanon County schools
For the Daily News, Daniel Walmer looks at how local districts are adding creativity to science-focused education.
Friends of Coleman Memorial Park to carry on Harvest Festival with 16th annual gathering
If you missed the harvest fest in Schaefferstown earlier this month, worry not: You’ve got another chance to celebrate the autumn spirit. On October 13 from 10am to 3pm, the Friends of Coleman Park will be hosting the park’s 16th annual Harvest Fest.
🔗 Lancaster decriminalizes some recreational marijuana use, possession
A crowded room at Lancaster City Council erupting in applause as the board voted 6-1 in favor of decriminalization of marijuana.
🔗 Mifflin Street murder trial: Man arrested at scene blames Kirchner
Daniel Walmer reporting from the courtroom says that co-defendant Charles Holloway claimed yesterday in testimony that last fall’s crime was entirely organized and acted out by Scott Kirchner.