Almost five years have passed since Lebanon County sold its nursing home, Cedar Haven.
10 things you should know about the spotted lanternfly
Here are ten things you should know about the spotted lanternfly.
The spotted lantern fly is coming to Lebanon County. Are you ready?
A brief symposium was held Tuesday at the Lebanon Area Fair regarding the threat posed by the spotted lanternfly.
Best PA National Guard marksmen named to “Governor’s Twenty”
Since 1968, the Governor’s Twenty has been awarded to the top marksman in the state of Pennsylvania.
Changes by D.A. will allow some minor marijuana offenders to avoid criminal record
Lebanon County District Attorney David J. Arnold, Jr. is changing the way his office handles some charges for possessing small amounts of marijuana for personal use.
What to do and where to go to avoid the heat this weekend in Lebanon County
As temperatures in Lebanon County continue to soar, it’s a good idea to keep in mind a few habits and places to help beat the heat.
Lebanon Valley Rail Trail: Another gap closes, complete system gets closer
Another gap in the Lebanon Valley Rail Trail is about to be closed, bringing the dream of a “cross-county trail system” a little closer to reality.
Next week at Gretna Music: Five questions with Amjad Ali Khan
Amjad Ali Khan has performed all over the world, and you’ll be able to see him in Mt. Gretna on July 28.
LebTown Weekend Planner: 7/19 – 7/21
One of the biggest events that Lebanon County hosts all year begins this weekend, but that’s not the only thing happening around the Lebanon Valley this weekend.
Lebanon VA releases master plan that will guide growth over next decade
The Lebanon VA Medical Center recently released its master plan for the next 10 years.
Campaign finance reports for Republican Commissioner primary filed
The three Republican County Commissioner candidates in last May’s contentious primary election have filed their campaign finance reports with the Lebanon County Voter Registration office.
Lebanon VA announces increased care options for veterans under new law
The Lebanon VA Medical Center has announced several new services which will now be available to patients under the MISSION Act of 2018.
Quentin Riding Club sells at weekend auction for $2.1 million
After months of uncertainty about the fate of the Quentin Riding Club, the sound of a gavel signaled the start of a new chapter in the club’s history as the iconic property was auctioned off for $2.1 million.
Regardless of state funding, Lebanon County’s new voting machines will be ready for November
Whether the state pays for them or not, Lebanon County voters will be casting their ballots on new and improved voting machines this fall.
Public meeting to address water quality concerns in the Swatara watershed
A July 12 meeting of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service will take public attendees’ concerns into consideration.