Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area is hosting free pop-up archery events over the next few months, geared towards archers of all skill levels.
Upcoming Events
Salvation Army to hold ‘Breakfast with the Bunny’ on April 8 in Lebanon
The Salvation Army of Lebanon will host a pancake breakfast and Easter egg hunt in Lebanon on Saturday, April 8.
Cedar Crest swim team will host food truck fundraiser on April 1
On Saturday, April 1, the Cedar Crest High School swim program will host a Food Truck Fundraiser to raise money for the team.
33rd annual Swatara Sojourn to be held May 6; rental kayaks will be available
The Swatara Watershed Association will host its 33rd annual Swatara Sojourn on May 6, an all-day group outing consisting of paddling, education, and litter cleanup along the way.
Anne Fund Sports Memorabilia Auction returns April 1 to benefit cancer relief
The 23rd annual Anne Fund Sports Memorabilia Auction, which raises money to provide relief to cancer patients, will be held on Saturday, April 1, at Hebron Catering Hall in Lebanon.
Monthly online forums planned to help people deal with end of life issues
The Advance Care Planning Coalition is hosting virtual death cafés each month to help educate people across Lebanon County about end-of-life issues and preparing for that period.
Cornwall Iron Furnace to present lecture in-person and online ‘all about slag’
Cornwall Iron Furnace will host a free lecture on Tuesday, March 14, at 7 p.m. that’s ‘all about slag.’
St. Luke’s Festival Choir to perform evening service at St. John’s in Marietta
The Festival Choir of Lebanon’s St. Luke’s Episcopal Church will perform at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Marietta, PA, on Sunday, March 19.
Pennsylvania German Zammelaaf to be held March 18 in Bethel
The annual Pennsylvania German Zammelaaf will be held Saturday, March 18, at Midway Diner in Bethel.
Star Wars-themed weekend March 24-25 will raise funds for Four Diamonds
Star Wars fans will have an opportunity to view the original Star Wars on the big screens as well as other activities at the Allen Theatre Annville and raise funds for the Four Diamonds March 24 and 25.
Trout stocking planned ahead of statewide April 1 opening day
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has released its schedule for trout stocking ahead of the state’s April 1 opening day.
Union Hose Social Club to host fourth annual cornhole tournament
The Union Hose Social Club, at 31 North Railroad St. in Annville, will host its fourth annual cornhole tournament on April 1.
Pennsylvania Gourd Society to host Gourd Festival at the Expo Center
Gourd aficionados, take note – the Pennsylvania Gourd Society is visiting the Lebanon Valley to hold an annual celebration of all things gourd at the 2023 Pennsylvania Gourd Festival.
Quittie Audubon to host lecture on FtIG’s unique regal fritillary butterfly habitat
Learn all about the regal fritillary butterfly and its habitat at Fort Indiantown Gap during Quittapahilla Audubon Society’s first event of the year.
Uni ready to give his annual forecast on Feb. 2 at Myerstown Recreation Park
The traditional Pennsylvania Dutch winter weather forecast returns Thursday, Feb. 2, to Myerstown Recreation Park at 8 a.m.