The North Annville Township Board of Supervisors heard updates regarding the Union Water Works and Bellegrove fire companies on Monday.
Civic Impact Reporting Project
Cornwall Borough Council to consider Byler text amendment
At Monday’s meeting, the Cornwall Borough Council informally indicated to Byler Holdings that it is open to considering a zoning text amendment.
Cleona zoners unanimously approve special exception for Mill St. solar farm
At a hearing Thursday, the Cleona Borough Zoning Hearing Board (ZHB) unanimously agreed to approve a special exception for a solar farm at 195 N. Mill St.
Jonestown Borough Council furthers park beautification project
In addition to other routine business, the Jonestown Borough Council provided updates on the 49 West Market Street park beautification project on Tuesday’s meeting.
Fire company and Lebanon City Council argue over money for $1.4m fire truck
Monday night’s Lebanon City Council meeting featured a sometimes heated dispute between the city and Rescue Hose Company No. 4 over the contribution of $650,000 of American Rescue Plan Act money toward the purchase of a new ladder truck for the northside fire company.
North Lebanon Twp. supervisors approve ordinance update, discuss regional police
At Monday’s meeting, the North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to Ordinance #6-2023 updating the township’s code of ordinances.
Traffic study, solar project, Hill Farm among topics for North Annville board
At Monday’s North Annville Township Board of Supervisors meeting, updates were provided on the Clear Spring Road traffic study, the Lebanon Solar appeal, the future of Hill Farm, and various other township issues.
Council honors Cornwall borough cop for rescuing octogenarian from burning car
Sewers, roads, and finances – staples of municipal meeting agendas – took a back seat at the Aug. 14 council meeting as Cornwall Borough honored police Officer Adrian Cann for rescuing an 80-year-old man trapped in a burning vehicle on July 1.
South Annville Township supervisors approve Carmany Place development
At Wednesday’s meeting, South Annville Township’s Board of Supervisors concluded the conditional use application hearing for Carmany Place Apartments’ residential development project and tentatively approved the plans.
Jonestown Borough Council hears updates on community-centered grants
At Tuesday’s meeting, the Jonestown Borough Council heard updates surrounding several grants.
A short agenda makes for a quick Lebanon City Council meeting
Lebanon City Council needed just 16 minutes to work through a short agenda at its July 24 monthly meeting.
North Lebanon Township supervisors advertise updates to code of ordinances
At Monday’s meeting, the North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to advertise Ordinance 6-2023 updating the township’s code of ordinances.
West Cornwall Township supervisors approve property maintenance code
In a 2-1 vote, West Cornwall Township supervisors approved on Monday, July 10, the adoption of a property maintenance code to address issues with general upkeep of residential and nonresidential properties.
South Londonderry supervisors continue work on revised zoning ordinance
At Tuesday’s meeting, the South Londonderry Township Board of Supervisors discussed an ongoing revision to the zoning ordinance, as well as other routine business.
Cornwall Borough Council gathers in meeting room for first time in over a year
Monday, the Cornwall Borough Council held its monthly meeting in the municipal building’s meeting room for the first time in over a year.