Discover what’s happening at Lebanon County churches this week!
Pet of the Week: Ellie
This week’s pet is Ellie, owned by Larry Bowman, of Cornwall.
2021 Lebanon County Envirothon scholarships awarded
The Lebanon County Conservation District awarded its annual Envirothon scholarship to local students Amber Albright and Abigail Franchina.
America’s richest school serves low-income kids. But much of its Hershey-funded fortune isn’t being spent.
The nonprofit Milton Hershey School says its founding deed prevents it from spending more money on its core mission, even though that hasn’t stopped the school from making significant changes before.
County school districts to receive $35 million in new COVID-19 relief money
The most recent relief program was enacted on March 11, 2021. This program is expected to provide unparalleled additional funding to schools.
Katie Trainer bounces back
Katie Trainer – muralist, author, and local art legend – talks about her work, her life after a car accident and COVID-19, and much more.
‘Internal systemic failures’ led to Wolf administration blunder that derailed child sex abuse amendment
The report by the state inspector general’s office concluded that there was no evidence that the administration’s mistake was deliberate or the result of “intentional malfeasance.”
Cedar Crest Music Aides hosting food truck festival early June
June 10 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., Cedar Crest Music Aides will host its first annual food truck festival at South Hills Park.
Lebanon Salvation Army names employee Yolanda Santos as Hero of Hope
Yolanda Santos was selected by the Salvation Army of Lebanon as its 2021 Hero of Hope.
A stark racial divide on vaccinations leaves many at risk as Pa. reopens
As the state eases distancing and mask mandates, health officials are still failing to successfully vaccinate communities that have been disadvantaged from the start.
Newly empowered, Pa. GOP lawmakers move to end parts of Wolf’s coronavirus disaster order
Gov. Tom Wolf called the vote “a discouraging development” following a “productive meeting with the legislature” after the May 18 primary, when voters backed curtailing his powers.
After citing privacy law, Pa. backtracks and discloses wasted vaccine details
Just 0.18% of more than 10 million doses given to hospitals, pharmacies, and other providers through May 21 were discarded.
Campbelltown Community Alliance sponsoring summer improvement projects
Volunteers with Campbelltown Community Alliance are conducting a series of projects to improve the village this summer
SAMBA pump track at Coleman Memorial Park opens May 29
9 a.m. May 29, the Susquehanna Area Mountain Biking Association bike track at Coleman Memorial Park will be open to the public for the 2021 season.
Lawmakers report receiving fewer gifts during pandemic as push for ban continues
The few gifts of note came largely before the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in Pennsylvania in early March.