The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission opened applications for grants towards projects to improve aquatic habitat, water quality, and recreational access in the Tulpehocken and Quittapahilla Watershed Enhancements.
The grants will be made available through an agreement between the game commission and Helix Ironwood, LLC (formerly PPL Ironwood, LLC). Only projects within the Tulpehocken and Quittie watersheds will be considered.
The game commission said that grant funds can be used for standalone projects or to supplement other funding for larger projects that satisfy the criteria.
Examples offered included: fishery habitat restoration or enhancement; fish stocking; fishing access; maintenance or creation of facilities to encourage, improve or expand recreational use of the fishery; or studies related to these issues.
Grant applications must include a map, project description, goals, list of partners, and implementation details tied to the budget. Grant requests of less than $100,000 are encouraged. Public fishing access is required for any funded project.
Applications must be submitted by Friday, Oct. 21, at 4 p.m. Questions can be sent to Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission Conservation Coordinator Diana M. Day at 717-346-8137 or Recipients are expected to be notified by mid-December.
The game commission said that the program will continue through the life of the Helix Ironwood Power Plant.
For more information on the grants, start here.
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