St. Luke’s rector: “I take this stand not as a hyper-sensitive ‘snowflake’ but as someone deeply committed to my religious vow to respect the dignity of every human being.”
Opinions & Letters
[Column] Returning to school through the eyes of a child
“In a few short weeks the adult debate over school opening policy will be over and then we will be left to face the true reality as our children set off with backpacks in hand to face this deadly coronavirus.”
[Letter] The unmasked community
“This whole debacle in no way benefits Lebanon County.”
[Letter] Regional elections for high court judges is a bad idea
A South Lebanon Township resident writes in regarding a proposal by state Rep. Russ Diamond to have high-court judges selected by regional instead of statewide elections.
[Letter] Why did Lebanon County lose $13 million CARES funding?
Chair of Lebanon County Dems argues that public anger over loss of CARES funding should be directed “where it truly belongs.”
[Letter] Commissioner Litz responds to Rep. Ryan column on CARES funding
Lebanon County Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz responds to a recent column by state Rep. Frank Ryan.
[Library Letter] Lebanon County Libraries’ long and winding road to being open
Truth be told, even though doors are open, it’s still a little too quiet in Lebanon County’s libraries these days.
[Column] Plans for return to school vary greatly among school districts
“As we learn more about the proposals being weighed by other school districts it becomes clear that some school districts intend to take greater precautions than others.”
[Column] Gov. Wolf should not inflict harm on those he represents
State Rep. Frank Ryan: “I call on Gov. Wolf to recognize that willfully harming the people of Lebanon County is a petty mistake.”
[Letter] Right to Repair legislation would benefit Pennsylvania farmers
PennPIRG responds to an April letter by farmer and banker Mike Firestine on proposed “right to repair” legislation.
[Column] Parents need to ask serious questions regarding the return to school
“This is the time to ask questions of your local school district, not after the schools have already opened.”
[Letter] We need leaders, not egos
Amaury Abreu shares his response on what he’d like to see done differently by Lebanon County legislators.
[Column] Recognizing graduation parades throughout Lebanon County
Darrel Moyer of Cleona shares his pictures and videos of the graduation parades arranged to honor graduating seniors in a very “2020” way.
[Column] Is the safety of our school children second to political agendas?
“Here in Pennsylvania and across our nation, children and their safe return to school has fallen victim to dangerous and divisive political conflict.”
[Column] Nelson George Greene, Lebanon’s Hall of Famer
It’s been 100 years since Lebanon’s Nelson George Greene began his professional baseball career. Here, Greene’s grandson, Nelson “Chip” Greene, chronicles his feats.