Amaury Abreu shares his view on seeing more competition for the upcoming magisterial district judge vacancy in the City of Lebanon.
Opinions & Letters
[Column] Why read a Frederick Douglass speech on Annville Square July 5?
LVC professor Michael Schroeder explains why an 1852 speech by Frederick Douglass will be read on the Annville Town Square on July 5.
[Column] Lebanon Valley on two wheels
Visit Lebanon Valley’s Jennifer Kuzo: “There is no better way to experience the beauty of Lebanon County than by bicycle.”
[Column] Long term care and our seniors
State Rep. Frank Ryan writes: “The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the problems and concerns facing our seniors.”
Editorial: No journalistic or public health benefit to Sec. Levine comments
Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine doubled down on the framing of the pandemic in political terms on Friday in a move that LebTown believes will be detrimental to journalistic and public health outcomes.
[Letter] Lebanon County legislators respond to Secretary Levine snub
Lebanon County legislators respond to Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine’s comments regarding the county being last in the state to remain in the ‘yellow’ phase.
[Column] Gov. Tom Wolf has failed Lebanon County
Jerry Shenk shares a perspective on Lebanon’s status as the last Pennsylvania county to leave the ‘yellow’ phase of Gov. Tom Wolf’s tiered reopening plan.
[Letter] Thoughts on being anti-racist
“It should be simple to say you are anti-racist.”
[Column] Is it safe for our children to return to school?
“We cannot allow this important decision to become just another opportunity for politicians to grandstand.”
[Column] BLM: WWE BET
Jared Odrick shares his experience of attending the June 4 protest in Lebanon: “It felt like the WWE came to town.”
[Library Letter] Pennsylvania Chautauqua takes LVC faculty book reviews online
This summer, for the first time ever, you can enjoy the Lebanon Valley College Faculty Book Reviews presented by the Pennsylvania Chautauqua from the comfort of your own home each Tuesday at 10 a.m., now through August 11.
[Letter] Public challenge unproductive, missed opportunity for unity
State Rep. Russ Diamond responds to last week’s column by Amaury Abreu.
[Column] Is there such thing as a white supremacist ideology around this area?
Amaury Abreu shares his views on the issues of white supremacy and white privilege as they relate to Lebanon County.
[Column] Could the pandemic of 2020 result in a population shift to Lebanon County?
It all appeared good… then came the pandemic of 2020. Now, what might all this mean for Lebanon County?
[Column] Our town: A love story lost in time
Right here, in our town, there exists a love story of historic proportions. It is the tragic love story of President James Buchanan and his betrothed, Ann Caroline Coleman.