At Monday’s meeting, the North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors agreed to form a Regional Police Development Committee consisting of Supervisors Gary Heisey and Ardy Snook, Chief of Police Tim Knight, and Township Manager Lori Books.
Civic Impact Reporting Project
Cornwall Borough Council refers citizen’s text amendment to ad hoc committee
At Monday’s meeting, the Cornwall Borough Council heard a presentation from representatives of Cornwall United 4 Responsible Development proposing “The Citizen’s Text Amendment” to the zoning code.
S. Annville board approves subdivision plan for Eastern Enterprises rail trail
The South Annville Township Board of Supervisors has unanimously approved the final subdivision plan for the Eastern Enterprises rail trail lot, paving the way for Lebanon County to own the entire trail.
S. Londonderry Township supervisors continue zoning ordinance revisions
At Tuesday’s meeting, the South Londonderry Township Board of Supervisors heard concerns from members of the public and heard updates on the revised zoning ordinance.
Conditional-use application for former riding club expected in December
A conditional use application for the development of the former Quentin Riding Club at the intersections of state routes 72 and 419 could come before township supervisors in December.
N. Annville board discusses Clear Spring traffic study, fire companies’ merger
The North Annville Township Board of Supervisors discussed several updates regarding topics such as the Clear Spring Road traffic study, the new township website, and the merger of Bellegrove and Union Water Works fire companies at Monday’s meeting.
Jonestown Borough Council passes mailbox ordinance in unanimous vote
At Tuesday’s meeting, the Jonestown Borough Council unanimously agreed to pass Ordinance #2023-2, prohibiting mailboxes on certain high-volume traffic borough right-of-ways.
North Lebanon Township supervisors consider regional police with N. Cornwall
The North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors held a public meeting Sept. 28 to present details of possible police regionalization with North Cornwall Township to the public.
Lebanon City Council hears pension, budget reports
At it monthly meeting on Monday evening, Sept. 24, Lebanon City Council learned that the city’s finances are doing better than budget projections, but that it will have to pay a little more next year to keep employee pensions fully funded.
Special exception granted for Wawa store & gas station in West Cornwall Township
A Wawa convenience store and gas station, part of a larger development on the former Quentin Riding Club site, has received preliminary approval from the West Cornwall Township Zoning Hearing Board, despite concerns about traffic impact.
N. Lebanon acquires condemned parcel for potential intersection improvement
The North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to purchase 701 Kimmerlings Road for the appraised value of $191,000 at Monday’s meeting.
South Annville supervisors discuss police coverage, zoning tweak, & library funding
At its September meeting, the South Annville Township Board of Supervisors discussed updates on traffic signal maintenance, police activity, and 2024 budget plans for cybersecurity and website enhancements.
Zoning board greenlights age-restricted apartments for riding club development
West Cornwall Township’s Zoning Hearing Board has approved a special exception for the development of 120 age-restricted apartments at the former Quentin Riding Club site.
Residents complain to Cornwall officials about early hours at local concrete plant
At Monday’s meeting, Cornwall Borough Council heard concerns from residents that the concrete plant owned by Cornwall Properties LLC may be violating its conditional use requirements.
South Londonderry supervisors approve police bargaining agreement, pay raises
At Tuesday’s meeting, the South Londonderry Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to pass the 2024-2027 police collective bargaining agreement and MOU.